'Bog wallop' - very hard and impossible to drive over

'Bog wallop' - very hard and impossible to drive over

Diddledee - a sort of heather

Diddledee - a sort of heather

The Falkland Islands generally had no trees or shrubs, just grass and low plants similar to heather. Several of these small woody plants had tiny berries, much smaller than blueberries or loganberries. One plant had fruit about twice the size of a pinhead that looked like tiny apples, were crunchy and tasted like apples.

The grass was virtually white during the summer and known as white "camp" grass. Coastal areas had tussock grass about one metre high - see the night herons photo.

The settlements and farms had imported gorse and yew for shelter. The larger settlements and some farms had vegetable gardens surrounded by boarded fencing for wind protection and grew basic vegetables.