George L, Wickham, Dave O and James M at East Cove
Wickham, Dave O and James M climbed Mount Wickham
on 26th December 1983
Now settle down, children, and I'll tell you a story.
Once upon a time there were three young men and they decided to climb a mountain.
It was 26th December 1983, a clear sunny day and very hot, for it was midsummer in the Falkland Islands.
There are no trees in the Falkland Islands, no shrubs or cover of any kind except for rocks at the top of the mountain.
Now one young man had a bad case of the trots. As they neared the top of the mountain he was really desperate so he rushed on ahead, hid behind some rocks and splattered the whole of Mount Wickham, for the wind was very strong.
For ever after, that man was called Wickham and the mountain was brown.
Goodnight, children.