Wickham's bog-in on Sussex Mountains on 6th January 1985
Dave D, Mike S and John G get busy
Another trip to Sussex Mountains on 5th January 1985. We went further along the hill the other side of the bay from San Carlos towards Chancho Point the next day.
The ground had been badly torn up by military BVs. One narrow strip was only the width of a landrover between a really deep morass on the right side or a less deep one on the left. I was in the last landrover, so the others messed it up even more before I tried.
We gave up after a short while and returned by a different route. Some climbed down to look at the Ajax Bay refrigeration plant.

Matt G's bog-in near Hell's Kitchen below Sussex Mountains on 6th January 1985
Matt G gets bogged almost exactly where James M did a year earlier, on the return journey near Hell's Kitchen. Port Sussex House is in the far distance on the right.
John G gets out of the way quickly as Matt revs up. Mike S didn't like the event being photographed!

Crossing a stream on steel strips below Sussex Mountains
earlier in the day. Dave D does the guiding.
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